Chapter and Organization Bylaws

Bylaws of the

Beta Gamma Epsilon

Phi Theta Kappa
Honor Society



ARTICLE 1.  Name of Chapter

    The name of this chapter of Phi Theta Kappa shall be Beta Gamma Epsilon.  (Assigned by Headquarters upon approval of chartering application.)


ARTICLE 2.  Purpose

The purpose of the Beta Gamma Epsilon Chapter of Phi Theta
Kappa at Stark State College shall be the promotion of scholarship, the
development of leadership and service, and the cultivation of fellowship among
qualified students of this college.


ARTICLE 3.  Membership

           Section 1.        Membership in Beta Gamma Epsilon chapter shall consist of member, provisional member, alumni member, and honorary members.


A.   Member.  Each eligible candidate who receives an invitation for membership must have completed 12 semester hours of associate degree course work, with a cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.50 adhere to the school conduct code and possess recognized qualities of citizenship.  Grades from courses at other institutions will not be considered when determining membership eligibility.  A cumulative GPA
of 3.20 must be maintained after induction to remain in good standing.  When a member’s cumulative GPA falls below 3.20, that member
 has two semesters in which to bring the average to 3.20.  Failure to raise the cumulative GPA to 3.20 after two semesters will result in removal of the student’s name from the local chapter roll and the Phi Theta Kappa Headquarters’ International roll.  Once the student’s name is stricken from the roll, all membership privileges shall be revoked.

                     B.     Provisional Member.  A provisional member of Phi Theta Kappa is a                                   student, who, in the opinion of the local chapter, has shown an active                                   interest in the affairs of the Society and who serves the Society in some                             special capacity, but who does not meet the full requirements for                                         membership in the Society.  Chapter requirements for admission as                                     a provisional member shall be academic excellence as defined by a GPA                             of 3.50 on all credits taken in high school.  In order to qualify for                                           provisional membership status, a student must be enrolled in associate                             degree course work at the two-year college, adhere to school conduct                                 code and possess recognized qualities of citizenship.  Provisional                                       members will not be officially affiliated with the Phi Theta Kappa                                           Society, cannot hold office and cannot vote on chapter, regional or                                       international matters. Provisional members will pay local chapter dues                               of $15.00, but are not required to pay the international and regional                                     induction fee until they have qualified for full membership.

C.     Alumni Member.  Alumni members shall be
members of the Society who are no longer enrolled in the two-year college and/or who have terminated their active membership in good standing, with a minimum of one year’s enrollment at the two-year college. Alumni members shall be entitled to all the privileges of full members except the right to vote or to hold office.

The purpose of the chapter alumni is to support the chapter officers, chapter members, chapter programs and chapter priorities in relation to the hallmarks of the Phi Theta Kappa Society. Alumni have valuable
contributions to make to Phi Theta Kappa at all levels however, the leadership roles of alumni are to be viewed within the context of support. Through alumni support, the integrity of the Society’s programs and service will be protected and new programs and services can be developed and offered in the future.

Alumni of Beta Gamma Epsilon Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa
Honor Society shall abide by the following code of conduct:

1.     During Phi Theta Kappa functions, I will conduct myself
at all times in a manner that reflects positively upon myself, the Society, and Stark State College.

2.     I am committed to maintaining an environment, which
recognizes the dignity of each individual and encourages appreciation of diverse backgrounds, opinions, and goals in life.

3.     I am committed to honesty and integrity in personal,
social, and academic endeavors.

4.     I will respond promptly, courteously, positively, and
respectfully, to the concerns and request of all Advisors, Officers, Committee Chairpersons, and Members of the Society.

5.     I will conduct myself in a manner which is respectful
of others and worthy of respect from others.

6.     I will dress appropriately during Phi Theta Kappa


D.    Honorary Member.  Honorary membership may be granted in this chapter to men and women who have rendered distinguished service to the Society.  Honorary members may not vote or hold office nor must they be officially inducted or pay membership fees.


Section 2.  Special Membership Considerations


A.    Returning Students – If a student has not been enrolled at Stark State College for an extended period, grades from course work over five years old need not be considered in membership candidacy.


B.      Transferring Students – A member from another Phi Theta Kappa chapter may transfer membership to the Beta Gamma Epsilon Chapter if that member is currently enrolled at Stark State College and meets the maintenance GPA of 3.2 set by the chapter.


ARTICLE 4.  Chapter Advisor

The Chapter Advisor shall:


A.   Be appointed by the administration of Stark State


B.    Be responsible for the guidance of chapter activities
and shall act on behalf of the International Society and official college


C.    Be responsible for the completion and submission of the
Annual Report, Membership Report Forms and Membership Profile Forms required by
the Phi Theta Kappa Society Headquarters;


D.   Sign and complete payment requisitions from the
Chapter’s account, which is handled by the College’s Comptroller.  The Comptroller reports the financial status
of the chapter to the advisor;


Be responsible for the invitation of all eligible students
and for their orientation;


Be responsible for submission of International and
Regional membership dues; and


Not be a voting member of the chapter.


ARTICLE 5.  Officers


Section 1.        All officers must be members of Phi Theta Kappa, in good standing, have a cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.20 and be currently enrolled as a student at Stark State College.


Section 2.        The Beta Gamma Epsilon Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa shall have the following officers:  President, Vice President, Recording Secretary/Newsletter Editor, Treasurer, Web Master, and Chapter
Engagement Officer.


A.   The President shall:

1.      Preside over all business meetings.

2.      Appoint and establish any necessary committees.

3.      Vote only in case of a tie.

4.      Serve as an ex-officio member of all committees.

5.      Present business to the organization.

6.      Represent the organization at all times.

7.      Appoint a committee to review and/or revise the chapter constitution annually in conjunction with the advisor.

8.      Appoint a committee to work with the advisor to prepare the Annual Report to be sent to Headquarters each spring.


B.    The Vice President shall:

1.      Perform all duties of the president in the event of the president’s absence.

2.      Head the committee reviewing the chapter constitution and the annual report.

3.      Act as program chair.

4.      Submit online to Regional Coordinator and Headquarters reports of chapter activities and Five Star Chapter Update Forms.

5.      Coordinate Chapter activities relating to the Honors in Action Hallmark.

6.      Coordinate Chapter activities related to the College Project Hallmark.

7.     Coordinate nominations and election of new officers.


C. The Secretary/Newsletter Editor Shall:

1.     Take and read minutes of meetings.

2.     Maintain records of the meetings.

3.     Take roll at the meetings.

4.     Prepare articles for newsletter (i.e. get articles submitted by others, etc.)

5.     Complete newsletter to be published quarterly. Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter Issues

6.     Coordinate with Web Master for posting events on website.



C.    The Treasurer shall:

1.      Coordinate all fund raising activities.

2.      Consult with advisor to maintain a financial account for the Chapter.

3.      Receive all money and deposit in account at the College.

4.      Present the Chapter’s financial records at business meetings.

5.      File all financial records in the Chapter’s official file with the Business Office at the College.

D.   The Web Master shall:

1.      Maintain and update website.

2.      Communicate with the Ohio Phi Theta Kappa website with Chapter events.

3.      Communicate with International Headquarters as needed.

4.      Keep records of Chapter events (dates, times, events, brief description, results).


F. The Chapter Engagement Officer Shall:

1.     Coordinate representation of the organization on campus and during PTK events.


2.     Perform all duties of the Vice President in the event of their absence.


3.     Responsible for promoting and coordinating publicity for all PTK chapter events, in-person service, and fellowship activities.


4.     Assist and facilitate in the distribution of chapter event information through PTK tables and bulletin boards.


5.     Correspond with interested members to encourage more active participation.




Section 3.        Alumni Liaison


The Alumni Liaison will be appointed by the current chapter officer
team based on recommendation(s) from chapter advisor and provide a bridge between the chapter and chapter alumni as well as Alpha of Ohio, the Ohio Region Alumni Association.  This position
will serve in a supportive role relative to major decision-making (ideas, advice, etc.).  The Alumni Liaison will not have voting rights however will be considered a part of the serving officer

The duties of the Alumni Liaison shall be to act as spokesperson for the alumni within the chapter, and to ensure that proper procedures are followed with regard to university and Phi Theta Kappa policy.  The Alumni Liaison should not be considered as an active leader within the chapter officer team however, they can take on an advisory role within formed committees that support the mission of the chapter.  As such, the Alumni Liaison can and should offer ideas and suggestions for the Hallmark Awards but should not write any of the Hallmarks.



          ARTICLE 6.  Election of Officers

          Section 1.        All candidates for office must be members of Phi Theta Kappa, in                                     good standing.


Section 2.        Elections should be held at the meeting before the new officers take over after the Spring Induction Ceremony of each year.


Section 3.        Officers shall hold office from the time of their inauguration, which shall be at the first meeting following the election, to the time of the next inauguration.


Section 4.        Nominations from the floor can be made at the same meeting as the election.


Section 5.        A simple majority vote shall elect any officer.


Section 6.        In any case, when an officer must resign office, an election shall be held to elect a new officer.  Nominations shall be made from the floor and will be made at the first meeting following the resignation of
the officer.  The election will be held at the first meeting following nominations. Plurality of the votes cast will determine the new officer.  The president shall have the power to make a temporary appointment until a meeting can be held.



ARTICLE 7.  Resignation or Impeachment of Officers


Section 1.        If an officer is unable to fulfill their responsibilities they may resign, or be asked to resign from their role.  They may still be a member in good standing within the chapter provided they fulfill the necessary requirements of a member in good standing.



Section 2.        If an officer fails to fulfill the duties of their office, the individual may be impeached as follows:

A.   A special meeting of the chapter must be held to discuss the problem.

B.    Only the issues related to the calling of the special meeting may be

C.    A quorum totaling the officers, minus the president, and members in attendance at the special meeting shall be the voting delegation for removal of office.

D.   A vote of ¾ (three fourths) of the quorum is sufficient to remove an officer from office.

E.    The president shall only vote in the case where one vote is needed to reach the ¾ (three fourths) of the quorum required.

Section 3.        Any officer may be removed from office by a two-thirds majority of all Beta Gamma Epsilon officers due to disruptive behavior, violation of the conduct code or by not attending three (2) or more meetings in a given term without an excused absence by an advisor.


ARTICLE 8.  Meetings Section

1.        All business meetings will follow the general agenda:

                                                Order of Business

a.       Call to order

b.      Roll call

c.       Reading of the minutes

d.      Treasurer’s report

e.       Committee reports

f.       Old business

g.      New business

h.      Announcements

i.       Adjournment


Section 2.        A quorum shall consist of a majority of the officers plus the number of members in attendance, after proper notification (one week), at each meeting.


Section 3.        All meetings shall be governed by an adaption of Robert’s Rules of Order.


Section 4.        Committee meetings shall be called by the chair of said committee. Procedures at such meetings are left to the discretion of the chair provided the Code of Conduct is not broken. Reports of each meeting shall be given to the members at the following chapter meeting.



ARTICLE 9.  Conduct Policy

Section 1.        Members of Beta Gamma Epsilon Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society shall abide by the following code of conduct:


A.   During Phi Theta Kappa functions, I will conduct myself at all times in a manner that reflects positively upon myself, the Society, and Stark State College.


B.    I am committed to maintaining an environment which
recognizes the dignity of each individual member and encourages appreciation of
diverse backgrounds, opinions, and goals in life.


C.    I am committed to honesty and integrity in personal,
social, and academic endeavors.


D.   I will respond promptly, courteously, positively, and
respectfully, to the concerns and request of all Advisors, Officers, Committee
Chairpersons, and Members of the Society.


E.    I will fulfill my responsibilities to the Society in an
effective, efficient, and timely manner.


F.     I will conduct myself in a manner which is respectful
of others and worthy of respect from others.


G.   I will dress appropriately during Phi Theta Kappa


           Section 2.        If formal disciplinary action is taken by the College due to                                             violation(s) of the conduct policy, a member may be removed from                                       chapter, regional, and international events/activities, chapter office,                                     and/or dismissal from Beta Gamma Epsilon Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa                             and may result in ‘member not in good standing’ status.



ARTICLE 10. Finances

Section 1.        Finances for this chapter will be raised by projects voted by a majority of the members. 

Section 2.        The Chapter advisor must receive payment of the International / Regional Membership fee of $60.00 before members can be inducted. 

Section 3.        All members must pay local fees of $15.00.

Section 4.        All members must pay regional fees of $5.00 prior to induction. 
Regional fees are remitted directly to the International Headquarters. 

Section 5.        The advisor shall annually audit financial records of the chapter.


ARTICLE 11.  Amendments and Revision

Section 1.        The by-laws may be amended by a vote of two-thirds of the members present at any regular meeting, provided that the proposed amendment has been presented at a previous meeting.  Any changes to the by-laws must be sent to Headquarters for final approval.


Revised February 7, 2023