Ohio Region Awards 2024

It was a full day as Stark State’s own Beta Gamma Epsilon chapter won numerous awards at the 2024 Ohio Region Awards Convention held at Tri-C Westlake.

crowd of Phi Theta Kappans posing for a photo with a blue triceratops mascot.

Our very own David Sigmund was recognized for ten years of service as a chapter advisor as well as being given the Dr. Mary Navarro Most Distinguished Advisor Award and being recognized as Most Distinguished Advisor at the International Level. Look for him on that big stage at Catalyst!

Stark State College was recognized as a Five Star Chapter for an astounding 20th year in a row!


Abbigail Jordan and Benjamin Nash were awarded the Order of Athena for being nominated as most distinguished chapter officers.

Our chapter’s Honors In Action Project was recognized as the best incorporating the theme of The Economics of Play and was recognized as the first runner up overall in the region.



Benjamin Nash ran and was elected to the 2024-2025 regional officer team as the Ohio Region Eastern District Representative. 


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